Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Protect Your Assets From Your *Future* Ex

In the past few decades, it seems like many people have lost perspective when it comes to the sanctity of marriage. We now are exposed to what I like to call a "microwave" society.  What does that mean?  It means that we are a society of instant gratification.  With the constant changes in the world, our lives change so quickly and suddenly, we sometimes fail to plan ahead in anticipation of our ever changing desires.
Did you know that according to, 41% of first marriages end in divorce; and 60% of second marriages end in divorce. You must be thinking, "What does this have to do with Asset Protection?"   The simple response -  is everything!

I have met with many clients whose family members failed to plan ahead and have  unexpectedly passed away. They came to seek legal counsel about their loved one's estate, only to discover that their loved one was either legally married or in the process of a divorce at the time of their passing. This now raises myriad unexpected issues if the divorce was never fully filed or finalized.

In the state of Florida, if you pass away without a will or if you are legally married to someone - even if you haven't been with them in years or you were in the process of getting a divorce - and you pass away, your "intended former" spouse may end up with all of your assets or may have a claim to your estate. Obviously this is something that you wouldn't want your beloved family members to have to encounter.  

How do you prevent this from happening? You plan ahead. If you or a loved one are legally married but separated  or in the process of a divorce, you may want to seek the legal counsel of an estate planning attorney.  Unfortunately, we dont know when the unfortunate will happen, but we can always plan for the future of our loved ones. If you want to assure that you have control over the disposition of your assets, then simply plan ahead.

At the Alvarez Law Firm we assist our clients in planning ahead.  Let us help you understand your legal rights. For the month of August we will conduct a free  30 minute asset protection or estate planning consultation, for new and former clients.

 Call us today for your free consultation.  


Rachel Alvarez

The Alvarez Law Firm A Professional Association 

~Remember, the best compliment we can receive is referring us to your friends and family.~

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